Thursday, November 19, 2009

typical day in my life.. Fall Semester 09

A typical day in my life

6:20 AM~ first alarm goes off (music on the radio station)
6:30 AM~ second alarm goes off if I haven't gotten up to turn off the first one ( this one is a loud annoying beeping sound that I can't sleep through)
6:45 AM~ wake up Jayruh (in order to keep her in a good mood, I rub her back and sing silly songs and tell silly jokes until she wakes up, then we usually talk about funny things or read a book for a good 10 minutes)
7:00 AM~ make Jayruh breakfast, get the clothes I picked out for her the night before and begin searching for missing sock (lol) Pack her lunch for the day and say "Jayruh I'm going to turn the TV off if you don't start eating"... sometimes this works, sometimes I have to actually turn it off...
7:15 AM~ get Jayruh dressed, help her brush her teeth, do her hair (get yelled at because her hair is so fine and curly that it hurts her for me to even look at it)
7:20 AM~ carry sleeping Angelina out of bed and to the car with Jayruh
7:30 AM~ listen to "Stupid News" on Kiss 105.3 and answer a million questions on the way to Jayruh's school like "what does 'reason' mean? why are you waiting until you get married to have another newborn baby? why do I have to do good in school? why does Santa Clause come at night?"

7:40 AM~ finally make it through the morning traffic and drop Jayruh off at school (her school is less than a mile away) by this time Angelina is usually awake
7:45 AM~ Get Angelina inside and make breakfast for the two of us. Clean up the kitchen. Clean up Angelina. Clean up the carpet where Angelina spilled her food....
8:00 AM~ Start getting ready for school (shower, get dressed... yada yada) Check facebook ;) Write a list of things I need to get done for the day that I don't want to forget.. Pack Angelina's backpack, my backpack... get Angelina dressed, brush her teeth, her hair... etc.. read Angelina a book or play a silly game with her.
(this is also the time I finish hw if I didn't finish it the night before)
9:20 AM~ Leave my apartment
9:30 AM~ Drop Angelina off at her preschool
9:50 AM~ Make it to where I go to park my truck and ride a bus to UF
10:25 AM~ Get off bus and walk 15 minutes to where my class is
10:40 AM - 1:40 PM~ class
2:00 PM~ Get on bus to go back to the place that I park my truck...
2:30 PM~ Get in my truck and head for the house... Facebook/email :)

3:00 PM~ MY TIME.. I need this time!! Usually spend it watching Numb3rs or taking a nap

4/4:30 PM~ Pick up the girls from school/daycare.. go to the grocery store and try not to scream at my kids for fighting the entire time we are there. Say "I don't care who started it" a million times and throw in a couple of "I'm gunna spank your butt when we get to the car if you don't cut it out right now" "Jayruh Marie Miller stop licking your sister, that's disgusting" "Angelina, no dancing when you are sitting so close to Jayruh that you are hitting her" "No we aren't getting candy" "because I SAID SO" "Jayruh, you aren't the boss, you can't tell Angelina what to do" and "keep your hands in that cart!!"

5:30/6:00 PM~ Get home, get the girls inside, snack and juice, and start bringing in the groceries. Put everything away and begin cooking dinner. Repeat most of what was said above with the addition of "get out of the kitchen when I'm cooking" "no you can't have any treats, I'm making dinner right now" and "it will be ready when it's ready now go sit down"

6:15-30 PM ish~ dinner. We sit down at the table and take turns picking out topics that we want to talk about. Also the time of day that I ask the girls to tell me about their days and things that they did in school.
7:00 PM~ clean up from dinner. Do the dishes. Throw some clothes in the washing machine. Get the girls in the bath.
8:15 PM~ Facebook/email :) ha ha ha. Help Jayruh with her writing. Help Angelina with her coloring (lol, she likes to pretend she's doing homework too)
8:30 PM~ put the girls to bed. Read them each two books. Pray for them. And usually listen to them talk for a little while. Right before bed is when Jayruh fesses up about all the bad stuff she did. She can't go to bed feeling guilty. So we talk about everything that's on her mind. Angelina gets extremely silly and having a serious conversation with her at bed time is impossible ha ha.
9:00 PM~ Jayruh's asleep... Angelina's crying because she wants to come out of her room... FINALLY SIT DOWN TO DO HOMEWORK... completely exhausted and drained
Angelina comes out several times before FINALLY going to sleep around 10:30/11:00 PM.
Sometimes homework is delayed if I have a show that's on like Leverage, House or Lie to Me (=

12:00 AM~ Bed!!
6:20 AM~ fml

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Random things I think about- Yoplait Pink lids

So as I'm licking the pink lid of my Yoplait yogurt today, something occurs to me. This is utterly disgusting. I mean, the idea of sending in the lids and Yoplait donating 10 cents for each lid for breast cancer awareness is awesome... but even on the commercials, the women are licking the lids and then putting them in envelopes. How gross. I wonder who opens the letters. Do they wear gloves? With this swine flu scare going around, who would want that job? On second thought, with the economy the way it is, I'm sure many people would take that job...

And then I wonder, are there people that actually open up all of those envelopes and count the saliva covered lids? Or does Yoplait just have a set amount of money that they are going to donate regardless of whether or not people actually send the pink tops in? Is it just a ploy to get people to buy their product, under the impression that they are helping by donating money to breast cancer awareness? I applaud Yoplait for what they are doing, but why not just tell everyone when they buy their yogurt, a portion of the money goes to charity?

Yuck... can you imagine being a mail carrier? Thousands of people licking all over those tops before putting them in the envelope... or even without the Yoplait tops, people lick envelopes all the time. Gross..