You may be asking yourself, what does a crazy-busy single mother/full time student do for dinner at night when she has two mouths to feed that can't skip dinner to continue getting that precious needed study time? Well, since you asked...
Breakfast for dinner!! The girls were super excited. And to make things even faster and clean-up even easier, I remembered I bought one of those shake and pour pancake mixers about a month ago that I hadn't opened yet... no messy mixing bowl and whisk or anything!!

I was beyond stoked that dinner was going to be so easy and quick. I moved last nights frying pan and this mornings breakfast pan to the back burners... turned on the two front and got everything ready for scrambled eggs and pancakes. (Yeah, I didn't do my dishes today or last night.. what of it?!)

While the first pancake is cooking, I grab four eggs. The girls are begging me to let them help crack the eggs, but I said no, I really didn't have the time to clean up a mess tonight. I'm so mean. So anyway, I start the eggs cooking and by the time I get back to the pancake and get it on a plate, I figure the batter needs to be shaken again before pouring another one. I give it one super hard shake over my right shoulder and batter goes EVERYWHERE.. All I feel is this thick glob plop down my shoulder and on my leg. My foot is covered in batter... I totally forgot to put the cap back on first...
I burst out laughing. The girls are looking at me like I'm crazy, but then jump at the chance to dip their fingers in the batter dripping down my oven and put it in their mouths. I told them to wash their hands and then started cleaning up when I saw a camera flash...
Gotta love Jayruh! You can't even begin to see the extent of the mess that was all over the front of me... but it was dripping down the entire front of my body all the way to my foot.
I really need to find a new spot to put the camera where they can't reach. This is the last picture that was taken on my old camera before it was mysteriously broken... that's definitely Angelina's foot... So I know who the culprit was.
Anyway, I salvaged enough batter from scraping the inside of the container with a spoon so I was able to make one more pancake. The girls still got to have their breakfast for dinner and they loved it!
So now my kitchen is covered in pancake batter. Which is slighter worse than yesterday's kitchen disaster... but I still hadn't finished cleaning up yesterday's kitchen disaster!! see this jug of water?

Yeah, about half of that splashed down my cabinets (leaking inside and wetting all the plastic bags I keep down there), all over my floor, and of course all over myself.. How did I accomplish this? I got the idea of re-using my plastic water bottles.. I absolutely hate dirtying a dish... I go to extremes to avoid doing it at times... So I love the plastic bottles I can grab and go, but to save money, I figured I would just reuse them a few times before recycling them... and while I was pouring the fifth bottle, the cap of the jug just came right off and it GUSHED out... it's kind of a trend that's been going on lately. Stuff spilling all over, that is... I guess kitchen spills are becoming a trend too. At least that time it was just water. Hence the pink comforter blanket still laying on the kitchen floor.. it was the closest thing to me when the water poured out everywhere so I left it on the floor while I got the cabinets dry.

The plastic bags were being aired out so they didn't smell like mildew from the water. My kitchen is a disaster...
When I stepped down and my foot landed in something cold and squishy I came down with another case of the giggles. I had to grab my phone and start taking all these pictures that I put in this post.

So needless to say, tonight will not be as productive as it needs to be. Which means I probably wont get enough sleep... which is frustrating with having epilepsy because I'm way more seizure prone when I'm not rested... but it was definitely hilarious. I am amazed that so many times it's the littlest things that set me off and get me upset, and other times, things that I could legitimately be like "Oh crap that freaking sucks, this just totally set me back for what I needed to get done" about don't phase me. hmmmm... I should probably go clean that up now... LMAO (JK I did that BEFORE the blog, but I still SHOULD do the dishes... ;)
This is another place I stepped in it RIGHT AFTER cleaning my foot up.. rofl..

You can't tell in this picture, but my cabinet next to the oven is COVERED..

And you can see where little fingers were licking the batter off of the oven :)

what an experiment that was ! lol...might have to get some !